Ousoonerstud15 and just like it i blow that cause bitch i'm the bomb like tick. Aloha everyone! See shows. I'm the person for you. Talk nude with me and see.
I perfer athletic women and a little on the fluffy side. Discretion always appreciated.. Green eyed sexiness i'm a curious one for this site from Hickory NC. Ill most likely not respond if you have true honest photos girls of yourselves to respond with.
God no...lol...Gee girls maybe this is too much to ask for. So that said i want someone who is concieted or has an ego. Ii'm not r3ally h3r3 for s3xual r3latiions ii pr3f3r to k33p to mys3lf but outsiid3 of that ii'm pr3tty much down to m33t n3w ppl n3w frii3nds mayb3 mor3. Thank you lord for blessing me with life. And play softball with a group of friends around the bon-fire. Was brought up around all sorts - reptiles/dogs./cats/etc.
Movies workouts. And i own more dresses then jeans.
Also i dont like guys who are straight up perverts.
Would prefer some form of connection along with a solid play..Someone who is coherent enough to string together a sentence before and after we enjoy one anothers company..Not particuarly shallow but I do have to find you attractive . Have to work hard to make money.
I like slender athletic 5 to 5'7" women with girls very feminine mannerisms and very good social/emotional skills i. Have her ass slapped every time she walks past me. ;) Mr Right?